Concrete is one of the most durable and long-lasting materials you can use in your home, but it's important to follow well-established guidelines for proper installation. To ensure that your concrete is strong and crack-resistant, you need to take certain steps during the placement process. Moisture is essential for the curing process, so it's important to spray the concrete with water several times a day for the first week after pouring. This will not only help the curing process, but it will also protect the concrete from dirt, grease, and other stains.
When mixing concrete, it's important to avoid adding too much water to the mix. Excess water will evaporate from the concrete, leading to further shrinkage and an increased likelihood of cracking. Make sure you choose the right concrete mix for your project and try to control where cracks are most likely to occur. Preventing cracks in concrete starts with creating predetermined locations for joints on the concrete floor.
If you're a decorative concrete contractor, remember that cracks are a natural part of curing and hardening concrete. While you can't completely prevent them from forming, there are repair options available to prevent them from getting worse. It's also important to prepare your client ahead of time so they understand that some cracking is inevitable. Adding water to ready-mix concrete increases the likelihood of segregation and excessive bleeding, which will make the surface porous and weak.
A smooth subgrade will reduce any restraint as the concrete shrinks, thus reducing the chances of cracking. The first few days after pouring are especially critical, so make sure you take extra care during this time. Big D Ready Mix Concrete has been serving customers in Dallas, TX since 2002 with a variety of mixes for different applications. Although it takes almost a month for concrete to fully cure, engineers spend their entire lives trying to make concrete slabs and walls crack where they want them to. By following these tips and understanding what your contractor is doing, you can get a good concrete job that is less likely to crack.